Need lists.
Ok, laptop sorted. Now we just need the beam projector and some of the books for the mass signing (don't ask. No. Really don't. Thanks.)
Also, there's a semi slot on Sunday morning - it needs to be in the bar as the main room will be getting set up for the banquet and the second room will have the tail end of the AGM - but what to do? We've been trying to come up with something for about 2 months and still haven't got diddly. Gaaaah! Quiz? Informal reading? RPG game? Argh! Suggestions on the BFS messageboards if you will...
Admittedly, things seem more disorganised than they actually are, but panic is good for soul.
And this time next week I'll be wandering around like a madwoman with a clipboard pointing and shouting as it'll be a couple of hours until registration officially opens and there'll be someone turning up late with stuff they want put in the goody bags (not that we don't appreciate stuff for goody bags, but Friday morning's the time to deliver them pretty please. Ta!)
And 2 PA systems this year! Good god, I hope someone knows how to work them...
Happily, I can take a very very back seat at the AGM this year! Just got to throw together the Spec Pubs accounts and I'm done, mate.
(Don't say it Andrew, I'll get it sorted this weekend so that I can go to Fcon without getting duffed up...) :->
-Domestic Bliss
And on top of that, we just exchanged on a house today. It's been a very trying 3 months as the vendor is particularly dim and Evil Twin and the boyf will be renting it so they've been stressing a bit as they had to move out of their old house a month ago so have been dossing down here...
Have a cat picture...
Et voila - 2 of the psycho kittens of the apocalypse. They think books are tasty.
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