Good grief, it's Fcon time again. Naturally this means that the ensuing burst of panic has gotten more things done in the last few days than I usually pack into a normal week. There's various annual accounts for the BFS AGM, all the admin-y bits for the BFS calendar (of which the printer says he can get 50 copies to us before Fcon, all the rest will have to be after... sheesh), and assorted other bits that I promised to do/bring/find.
Plus, the H&N printer chap swears Ish 4 will be back at the end of this week so I've been getting things ready for a speedy ship out as and when the mags hit the lounge.
And it's income tax time again, which is a pain in the ass cos I always put off doing the forms til a week before the deadline, then spend days worrying about all the receipts I know I have but can't find (and which will innocently turn up in 6 months or so when I'm looking for my socks).
And, on the day-job front, Fcon means losing a couple of the busier work days of the month so we've been on trebled workloads to clear it so we can leave the rest of the staff with a sensible amount of jobs while we're away.
(and, heh! finally dad gets to see what it's like to run the business on his own while the rest of us swan off, usually it's me that gets stuck with it!)
So it's back to comfort reading Stephen King to wind down from the hyper spells and, yay, The final Dark Tower book is out (actually, today I think, but will hold off from buying it in case there's any publisher freebie copies knocking around at Fcon.)
Aagh, too jittery to write calmly. Still got a ton of stuff that needs doing.
See you the other side of Fcon.